28 Nov 2011

Reporting verbs / newspaper articles

Hello everyone!

Last week we finished correcting the handout on Reported Speech and we learnt the use of some reporting verbs. Remember that each verb is different, so you have to learn them separately.

I found this document from the University of Adelaide (Australia), where you have a wide array of verbs classified according to their meaning and whether they're weak, neutral or strong. On the second page they tell you which ones are followed by a preposition, -ing or a that-clause:
Reporting Verbs

After that, we worked with a handout about what to do in awkward social situations. We watched a video where Andrew was offered food and drink he didn't like... but he didn't know what to do! On Thursday we continued working with this and we saw some expressions we could use. Surfing the Internet I've found a short article from the CNN talking about what to do when you can't remember the name of the person you're talking out. Check it out here!

Finally, we talked about Thanksgiving and Black Friday. I don't know if you watched it on the news, but Friday turned out to be quite a violent day because of some crazy shoppers. Check out this article entitled "Big crowds, big mischief on Black Friday". You also have several videos which show what happened when shops opened.

And that's all for now!

See you tomorrow!

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